Monday, February 4, 2013


If I had one more day to change my essay what I would I do is go to the writing center because my ideas are there just my sentence structure was not written well. I have a habit when I am typing to edit it right away then writing my ideas all down and later come back to it and fix it. Another is using better word choice that would have made my paper more academic. I feel I was so broad and used ineffectively words that could have made my paper strong.

The hardest part for me about writing the essay is writing down my ideas clearly. I had plenty ideas in my mind but once I it came to type it, it seemed like a whole big mess.  I think the cause of it was because I kept editing as I was writing.

The easiest thing is analyzing the appeals and showing evidence in how effective the author was.  As I cited the article I wrote on the sidelines which appeal each paragraph talked about which was very helpful.  

I formally mentioned the author, purpose and audience in the introduction (Salazar 1).  I wanted the readers to know what I was going to talk about before leading them into confusion if I mentioned it later.

I consider one of my effective rhetorical appeals is pathos (3). Since the article dealt with education I felt like it reflected me in many ways. Benjamin Barber did a great way for me to feel alarm with how education is being process and since I related to it, pathos was easier for me to let my readers to capture the same feeling I did. My understanding of the anaylze was  clearly in my conclusion when I did an overall of what I talked about in my essay by presenting where I originate all three rhetorical appeals(4).

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