Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Time is clicking. . .

           Ezzell’s topic was intriguing especially since one would have never thought of such an idea. How she stated facts about how time has different meanings for many cultures and how they value time. For example, when Ezzell wrote at the beginning that in Brazil one can be late and not be punished for it, but if it were someone that lives in New York and one was late for five minutes or ten one needed to have a great explanation to the lateness. I believe I was drawn about the topic choice because after reading the passage I knew more about the meaning of time to other cultures than in the beginning I had little knowledge about it. In contrast, the one thing I found least interesting is when Ezzell mentioned Birth doing a survey for rural residents who work in the farms if they knew the terms “Time is Money” or “Budget your time.” Because it is obviously they would not be aware of it due to their way of separating their life from the city.

            The main idea of Ezzell’s article is explaining the ways have cultures perceive time, uses it that reflects their society’s priorities and own worldview. The author includes how she is going to back up her details in her topic sentence and she successfully did throughout the essay. Ezzell demonstrated it in her essay by stating examples of countries and how they value time. Another way, Ezzell supported her ideas was by mentioning the paragraphs of the past, present and future  and how she states quotes that are very valiant to time. I believe this is how Ezzell’s article was effective since her examples of quotes she mentions are by different cultures like Saudi Arabia, Islam, and Australia. Overall, the essay was organized like how she structured in her topic sentence and made sure to keep the reader’s attention of how time is really different to other cultures and how they value it than the ones we are aware of.

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