Sunday, April 14, 2013

Logical Fallacies--Proactiv

Everyone has seen commercials or ads of different products that helps prevent from ache and blackheads in order to have a clean and clear face. Brands of Clearasil, Neutrogena and Clean&Clear mainly know products that highly promote their products. Though there is another brand which out shines the rest of the other brands and that is Proactiv Solution.  Proactiv is everywhere in the media from the radio, magazine ads, commercials and also sold in the malls.  From my perspective I feel like Proactiv uses many logical fallacies but they are two main ones used which are bandwagon and appealing to irrational fear.
                To include, bandwagon is the most popular technique many ads used especially in Proactiv.  Proactiv usage of bandwagon is through celebrities since the viewer’s notice their favorite celebrity is in the commercials they automatically want to buy it. This is why Proactiv has the most popular celebrities to do their commercial like Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Simpson and Justin Bieber.  Not only do they use celebrities but also costumers who uses Proactiv which Proactiv perfectly demonstrate it does work by giving the viewers the before and after pictures of using the product. By giving examples of other people using Proactiv people give in because almost everyone wants to have perfect skin and when one sees celebrities and examples of other people of course they want to join the band wagon.

                Furthermore, appealing to irrational fear also is one great example of what Proactiv uses. People fear of not being able to have a cleared face and one basically gives up because they have tried almost every product available.  Proactiv gives examples of what bad ache really looks making the viewer’s feel afraid and self-conscious of their skin.  Since one fears their skin could look like that they automatically appeal in buying the product so they will not face in having bad ache. So, regardless of what products one is viewing every ads contains logical fallacies to reel in their costumers. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

annotated bibliography

Wolfe L. Darling Divas or Damaged Daughters? The Dark Side of Child Beauty Pageants and an Administrative Law Solution. Tulane Law Review [serial online]. December 2012;87(2):427-455. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed March 25, 2013.

This article helps argue about why children’s pageant is not a good idea. It focuses on points of his argument in why pageants should remain for young woman 18 and older. The young girls are being judge heavy upon their appearances and how media is affecting their life as a beauty pageant.

            The essay gives multiple of examples that I can include of why children’s pageant should be prohibited. Since I am going against children’s pageant this article is beneficial because my criteria are enlisted and I can further my argument with his opinion. The author even mentions a reality television show “toddlers and tiaras” and how many media bashes on the young girls.

            Furthermore, Wolfe gives great points of why children’s pageant is not great for them and since I agree with him I am able to easily put all the great points onto my paper. Though I do feel like the article is bias because he only talks about the cons but it is okay because my other articles can help argue with it.

In fact, ever since the show's first episode on January 27, 2009,' Toddlers has brought national scmtiny to the entire child pageant cast of characters: the "designers" and "stylists" who help prepare the flashy costumes and fake hair pieces.the enthusiastic pageant parents, and of course, the immaculately groomed, wide-smiling, tantrum-prone pageant princesses (Wolfe 428-429).

Sex stereotyping performs a central function in child beauty pageants. Between the pink lipstick, sequined gowns, "prissy"model struts, and the giant sparkling crowns, these pageants embody the Barbie and Disney Princess standard for feminine beauty and charm (Wolfe 437).

Sunday, March 24, 2013

project three=thumbs up

I finally found the one project I felt so confident on writing. Project three was a bit difficult in the beginning in how to structure the paper because on the day of the first edit I did not come in class with a complete finish draft. Though one day it all came through when I concentrated and finally all my ideas were coming up. My two positives of my topic choice are the fact I was able to find two pictures that was able to connect with my reasons. For example, my figure one made the strongest argument in why pageant is not a virtuous idea for young girls (Salazar 2). I talk about how the appearances of the young girls are too exaggerated with make-up, extensions and revealing outfits that parents shouldn’t expose to their daughters in such a young age (Salazar 2). Secondly, the topic I chose I was able to find variety of great sources to include in my paper. I added so many sources that help my paper be strong and made it neutral as well. I would positively talk about why it is a good idea for children’s pageant and then input the negative comments after (Salazar 3).

            In contrast, I did have my struggles when writing my paper when it came to the first edit. I was freaking out, one of my negative in writing project three was I was only able to find negative sources of children’s pageant. I had one a few sentences for the first edit and I felt so terrible about it but I just did not want to “BS” my paper if I did not have pros to my topic. So the day on edit I went home and hard core researching pros to my topic and finally I did. This indeed helped my other struggle I had which was having less pages than of the requirements needed. After looking and researching for pros and cons I was able to write with no difficulty. Overall, I felt like project three really helped me realize how good of a writer I can be if I concentrate and really work hard.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Time is clicking. . .

           Ezzell’s topic was intriguing especially since one would have never thought of such an idea. How she stated facts about how time has different meanings for many cultures and how they value time. For example, when Ezzell wrote at the beginning that in Brazil one can be late and not be punished for it, but if it were someone that lives in New York and one was late for five minutes or ten one needed to have a great explanation to the lateness. I believe I was drawn about the topic choice because after reading the passage I knew more about the meaning of time to other cultures than in the beginning I had little knowledge about it. In contrast, the one thing I found least interesting is when Ezzell mentioned Birth doing a survey for rural residents who work in the farms if they knew the terms “Time is Money” or “Budget your time.” Because it is obviously they would not be aware of it due to their way of separating their life from the city.

            The main idea of Ezzell’s article is explaining the ways have cultures perceive time, uses it that reflects their society’s priorities and own worldview. The author includes how she is going to back up her details in her topic sentence and she successfully did throughout the essay. Ezzell demonstrated it in her essay by stating examples of countries and how they value time. Another way, Ezzell supported her ideas was by mentioning the paragraphs of the past, present and future  and how she states quotes that are very valiant to time. I believe this is how Ezzell’s article was effective since her examples of quotes she mentions are by different cultures like Saudi Arabia, Islam, and Australia. Overall, the essay was organized like how she structured in her topic sentence and made sure to keep the reader’s attention of how time is really different to other cultures and how they value it than the ones we are aware of.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tasty yet so risky

           In my point of view Lawrence essay was a great evaluation. She was able to mention who her audience is and gave the purpose of why she picked the topic. Lawrence also put in her essay charts to support her initial argument of who has the healthiest burger between McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s. By her doing the research proved she has reliable knowledge and is not just stating opinions. There are a few things I did have a misconception about she was talking about who has the healthiest burger but why did she not mentioned McDonald’s big mac., which McDonald's is known for.  Another thing is she contradicts herself in her conclusion. Lawrence states how fast food eaters are better off eating the McDonald’s Quarter Pounder meal but then goes into how one should not eat fast food. As has been mentioned, Lawrence essay was effective except for her conclusion could have been stronger.

         Granted, Lawrence whole evaluation was about which out of McDonald’s, Burger King or Wendy’s had the healthiest burger. By putting the statistics of the total fat, calories and cholesterol each burger carries made it sufficient. If her readers were to choose between were to eat among those three choices obviously they would choose McDonald’s Quarter Pound meal. She was well- organize throughout her whole essay and her credibility just made it that effective by backing up her opinion. Since Lawrence listed her citation one can simply link to it if they want to see the rest of the menu item and how much amount of fats, cholesterol and calories has. Altogether, Lawrence did an outstanding evaluation by giving reliable credibility to where she seemed reasonable. So before one goes to Burger King or Wendy's, think about the amount of calories and cholestrol when biting into that Burger.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Trekkie fan or not?

            I approach a great site where it listed the opinions of critics and audiences who watched the movie, The Star Trek. The web site I found was useful and was written from the rotten tomatoes by the Flixster. It came to my amaze that many of reviews I read mainly agreed with Burr and Bradshaw but the other halves dislike it but had no supporting details.

The Reviewers of the audience I have read proclaimed that J.J Abrams did an astonishing job in capturing the whole theme of the series of Star Trek. Some of the people even mentioned they had doubts about the movie but where surprised how the director nailed it. One of the viewers, Kase V., stated that it left him confuse in certain parts like Burr specified in his article but that it was still easily enjoyable. Many and I mean many of the critics highly spoke of the movie and how successful it was. For example Joe, a writer for Wall Street Journal said “Star Trek goes back to the legend's roots with a boldness that brings a fatigued franchise back to life.” J.J Abrams even made those who have not once seen of Star Trek become fans after watching the movie.

On the contrary, there were the reviewers who did not agree with what Burr and Bradshaw said. The audience who criticized the movie though saying how bad the movie was had no supporting evidence to why. The ones who opposed of the movie just stated how original it was or just straight forward said they were not a fan of the movie. All in all by reviewing many of the audiences and critics opinions it has shown that the majority of the fans were mind blow of how great of a turn out the movie was.

Monday, February 4, 2013


If I had one more day to change my essay what I would I do is go to the writing center because my ideas are there just my sentence structure was not written well. I have a habit when I am typing to edit it right away then writing my ideas all down and later come back to it and fix it. Another is using better word choice that would have made my paper more academic. I feel I was so broad and used ineffectively words that could have made my paper strong.

The hardest part for me about writing the essay is writing down my ideas clearly. I had plenty ideas in my mind but once I it came to type it, it seemed like a whole big mess.  I think the cause of it was because I kept editing as I was writing.

The easiest thing is analyzing the appeals and showing evidence in how effective the author was.  As I cited the article I wrote on the sidelines which appeal each paragraph talked about which was very helpful.  

I formally mentioned the author, purpose and audience in the introduction (Salazar 1).  I wanted the readers to know what I was going to talk about before leading them into confusion if I mentioned it later.

I consider one of my effective rhetorical appeals is pathos (3). Since the article dealt with education I felt like it reflected me in many ways. Benjamin Barber did a great way for me to feel alarm with how education is being process and since I related to it, pathos was easier for me to let my readers to capture the same feeling I did. My understanding of the anaylze was  clearly in my conclusion when I did an overall of what I talked about in my essay by presenting where I originate all three rhetorical appeals(4).